If you are managing a blog then you know importance of professional web hosting. With the help of hiring the top best web hosting services, you can boost your company’s growth and get a lot of other benefits.
Many web hosting service providers are out there, but all of them are not created equal, so you should pick the one after taking a lot of things into consideration.
Always look for a fast web host to make your business successful. Faster websites rank better and make more money.
In my opinion, WPX hosting and SiteGround hosting are the two most popular hosts you can use for your wordpress websites.
These host providers offer quality web hosting services, and that’s why most people opt for them. The popularity of SiteGround and WPX hosting is increasing rapidly due to numerous reasons.
You can also compare these two options to find the best one to suit your needs. Before going to opt for the right website hosting, you need to know everything about SiteGround and WPX hosting.
As you know, selecting the right hosting provider is an important step before host your website. And you should get it right the first time to avoid the hassles in the future.
We always suggest users to choose the hosting provider after taking some essential factors into consideration.
Keep reading the below post to understand the comparison between SiteGround and WPX hosting.
WPX hosting vs SiteGround – Compare Top Features
We have numerous options available to choose from regarding web hosting. Instead of making your choices in a hurry, it is good to pay attention to numerous factors.
I am not recommending only one website hosting for everyone, as all have different needs. Always consider your website requirements to make the right choice quickly.
A bad choice may affect the performance of your website and create many other issues. And that’s why you should always opt for the website hosting that suits your website requirements.
No doubt, both SiteGround and WPX hosting services provide value for money. You need to compare their features to know which one is better.
Here we are going to discuss some features that help you to choose the right professional web hosting for your website-
- Free backups – the host offering free backups and restores is good for your website. You may know, many popular hosts charge heavy fees for automatic backups, whereas others provide free backups. When it comes to SiteGround and WPX Hosting, they provide free backups and also restores on all plans. By considering any of these hosting services, you can rest assured your data is in safe hands.
- Free SSL certificate – Both types of hosts offer a free SSL certificate on all plans, and you need to keep this thing in mind. With the help of the back-end panel, it is possible to activate the SSL certificate on your website.
- According to our review, activating the SSL certificate on WPX is more convenient as compared to SiteGround. There is not a big difference, but you can keep this point in mind during the selection process. If you think WPX is better choice for you then you can go with it and get 50 % discount on hosting for first month, Check out the WPX hosting deal.
- Control panel – WPX is using its own control panel, whereas other hosts are using the usual Cpanel. By taking this difference in mind, you can make the right choice. WPX control panel is easy to use even newbies can make use of it without hassles. The standard Cpanel offers many options, and that’s why it may make you feel overwhelmed to select the one.
- Price factor – It is also important for website owners to pay attention to the price factor for making the right choice. We know all about both hosts and the packages they are offering. As per my research, WPX hosting offer managed WordPress hosting where the SiteGround offer different hosting packages. If you are looking for a cheaper option, then we advise you to opt for SiteGround as it is way cheaper than the WPX hosting. If you want to host your blog on Siteground then you should check out some Siteground coupons and deals to get the discount on hosting.
We have prepared the detailed review of Siteground that can help you to choose the best host that suits your blog needs.
With the help of all the above-mentioned points, you can make it easy to choose the right host for your website. Instead of making your decision only on the basis of price, you should give equal importance to all the above-mentioned factors.
Things to Consider For Choosing a Good Hosting Provider
Selecting the top best website host is not as easy as you think, and that’s why you need to take some essential things in mind.
Instead of making your choices on a random basis, you should select the one smartly. Here, we’ll come up with some crucial factors that need to be considered during the selection process –
- Load time
Load time is the most critical factor that you need to consider before choosing a hosting provider for your website.
It helps to make your website load faster that makes a good impact on the SEO rankings.
Search engines are giving more preference to the loading speed of a website as compared to other factors.
- Security features
We advise you to take care of the basic security requirements of the website host for making your final choices.
Make sure the servers of the website hosts are secured and also offering automatic backups. You need to check the frequency of the backup and many other factors.
- Customer support
We always suggest website owners that they should investigate the website hosting services before going to opt for them.
It is important to consider the support channels provided by the hosting provider and their responsive times in order to make a final call.
In addition to this, users can also look for uptime and downtime related factors to choose the best website host services.
The Final saying
Web hosting plays a major role when you want to get a website online. Without a web host, it is impossible for your visitors to access your website.
SiteGround and WPX Hosting provide ultimate features, so it becomes difficult to choose any one of them.
Many features have been given in the above post that helps to decide the right website host for your website.
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