Email marketing is a very effective marketing strategy used to promote your business. It can also be used to develop relationships with potential clients and keep the current client informed and updated on your brand. Email marketing also helps to convert prospects into clients, and turn one-time buyers into loyal clients.
Peoples start thinking that email is dead but it is not. It is one of the effective marketing strategies we can use to build a relationship with the prospect or client that keep our business alive.
80%of social media users say “Email” is the best way for companies to communicate with them.
Let’s start the discussion about Email Marketing
Why Email Marketing?
- An email has a larger reach:
According to Hubspot, 3.8 billion users use email worldwide. Email is the perfect way to reach your customers or clients. Email marketing allows you to reach plenty of email users even if they are not on social media.
So. there’s no channel with a wider reach than email when it comes to reaching your customers and clients.
- You own your list:
Your social media account could be restricted, suspended or deleted at any time, without notice, for any reason. In email marketing you own your list of contacts, there is no chance of getting suspended or restricted. No one can take leads away from you.
- Email just converts better:
Email marketing is a successful strategy for helping businesses to improve their sales and conversions. Email marketing helps nurture leads and move them through the marketing funnel closer to making a purchase.
Email marketing is a more powerful channel when it comes to conversion.
In fact, the average CTR of an email campaign is around 3% (of total recipients), whereas the average CTR from a tweet is around 0.5%.
- Increase Company Revenue
Another benefit of email marketing is that it’s very easy to track your ROI. You can track everything with the help of email marketing software. You can track who is opening your emails, who is clicking onto your site through your emails.
According to Crossware, Emails can be targeting specifically to the ideal consumer. It’s no wonder that email marketing’s ROI often blows other direct marketing strategies out of the water – The trick is that you have to get it right!
- #1 communication channel
Email marketing is the best communication channel because of its wide reach.
Did you know, at least 99% of consumers check their email daily? That we can’t be said about any other communication channel.
Email is a much more professional communication channel. People expect to receive products and services information through email.
Benefits of Email Marketing:
- Inexpensive
- Wider Audience/reach
- Easy to track ROI
10 Factors for Successful Email Marketing Campaign:
- Subject Lines
- List Segmentation
- Greeting Text—Content
- Body Text—Content
- Creative Images
- Landing Page
- Themes
- Personalization
- Taglines
- Call to Action
Email Regulations You Should Follow:
Email regulations are consistent with consumers’ desires to know how and why their information is being used. If there’s anything we care about, it’s complying with what our customers—or potential customers—want.
- GDPR Compliance
- CAN-SPAM Compliance
Email Marketing KPIs:
- Deliverability
- Open rate
- Click-through rate (CTR)
- Unsubscribes
Best Email Marketing Services:
Now, you know email marketing very well. For the best email marketing campaign, you have to select the best email marketing service that offers everything you need.
Checklist while selecting the best email marketing service:
- CRM platform with segmentation capabilities
- Good standing with ISP’s
- A positive reputation as an ESP
- Forms, landing pages, and CTAs
- Automation
- Simple ways to comply with email regulations
- Ability to split test your emails
- Built-in analytics
- Downloadable reports
Author Details:
Author Name: Satyajit B. Shinde
Author Bio:
I am Satyajit B. Shinde. My keen interest in reading and writing. I forayed into the field of writing due to my love for words and the urge to do something different. I have been a part of the Digital Marketing team here in Intellitech Solutions. I am personally involved in writing content for user engagement. I owe a responsibility to make sure the content is rich and user-centric. Intellitech Solutions has given me the chance to gain knowledge about different subjects.
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